Wednesday, March 16, 2011

backing out of busyness.

Ever had an extremely busy week? Ever glanced at your calendar and been overwhelmed merely by the little text in those boxes? I am sure you are thinking " have no idea." This was to be one of "those weeks"--but in a really good way. Monday morning I woke up ready to go. I popped my organic waffles into the toaster (the magic of Whole Foods) and ran to my TV to start my hip-hop workout DVD. Yes--even pastor's kids can 'pop and lock.' I felt good and ready to go. That is until I went to pick up something on the floor...and to my surprise and utter dismay: I could not get back up. Yes. I had hip-hopped my way to an out-of-order back. So I lie here on my back in a bed full of books... putting things into perspective.

I went to sleep Sunday night thinking about all the things I had to accomplish this week. God watched me sleep on Sunday night...knowing I wouldn't accomplish any of them. It is so easy to get busy in our culture.  We are constantly moving and constantly on our way to the next big thing. How often throughout our day do we take time to just breathe in and out? When was the last time you were still in the presence of God? Over the last few days I have realized (again) that my time is  not my own. All of life's busyness doesn't compare to the constant hope and unfailing love of our King. He is my refuge and my strength and it's taken my overly expressive hip-hopped back for me to just bask in the presence of our God--and that is simply enough.

Psalms 46:10-11: "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;  I will be exalted among the nations,  I will be exalted in the earth.”The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder! Funny how God uses crazy things to get us to sit and be still at the times when we think we need to be super busy. Feel better soon!
